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The Testimony of Abigail Hobbs

to the Honourable Lawyer John Hawthorn,

19 April, 1692

What would the Devil have you do?

“Why, he would have me be a witch.”



He wants me to be a witch.

She wants to be a witch.

Why, there is no problem, he wanted to see me.

Why does he not want to see me?

Why does he hate me?

Why do I hate me?

I don’t want it.




“Why, he would have me be a witch.”

Why does he make me a witch?

Why do witches make them?

What do witches think?

Why do you think witches?

What do you think witches do?

What does magic look like?




“Why, he would have me be a witch.”

Why would he want me to become a witch?

Why does he want to become a witch?

They really want to see it.




“Why, he would have me be a witch.”

He would be a witch for me.

She would be a witch for me.

As she was, she was buried for me.

He was buried with me.

The Response of John Hawthorn,

19 April, 1692

Why, he would have me be a witch.

"What would the Devil have you do?"


What would the Devil have you do?

What the hell would you have done?

What the hell did

What the hell

What the hell is going on?

What's going on?

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