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Lines from the News

A text composed entirely of single lines from public sources. These sources include academic lectures, articles, mainstream newspapers, and apocalyptic religious newsletters. 

In Hindsight...


What is the correct distance between the victims and she who writes about them? 



This church is comprised of unsaved people, posing as devout believers. 

The heresy of emotionalism 

will likely heighten, not reduce, the threat. 


The campaign will be targeted at 12- to 18-year-olds,

To teach them about healthy friendships and romantic relationships,

Controls that have made women second-class citizens in their own country.

You have the power to protect yourself and community.


We are pilgrim people, looking for peace.



The floodgates to licentiousness was opened wide.

It’s a new variable we didn’t have to account for in the past.

What has led America down this path of destruction? Did we learn anything from Sodom and Gomorrah?



He pretends he’s a bull in a china shop - but he knew how to get in, by the front door,

Has admitted that he violated state conflict-of-interest law on “multiple occasions” 

By using his position to benefit himself and his son,

Bending facts to besmirch her.

He’s playing a game, and thus far you’d have to say he’s playing it pretty well.


"I have never seen a girl so young and with so many mental disorders treated by so many adults as a guru:

Charming, but dishonest and duplicitous.

I believe they have done their flocks a disservice by not mentioning it."


Then he got down on his knees and kissed the leaders’ feet one by one.

She has a queenly look and his look is directed to her belly.



Many of these young victims were forced to forgive their abusers.

All it takes is a simple 5-minute prayer!

And he that overcometh, and keepers my works unto the end, 

To him will I give power over the nations

The choice is yours.

Such proposed rules require public consultation.


There is no plan for what comes after.

That’s good, at least for you.


You are influenced by the darkest superstitions

of the darkest ages

that ever existed in this country,

A cesspool filled with serpents bent on destruction.




Partly cloudy in the morning.


The lawsuit filed has “no merit.”

These abysmal returns were not the result of coincidence or bad luck.

At this point, a possible suspect is in custody.

Family members openly wept after verdict was read.


It’s almost time to celebrate, with your friends and neighbours,

A historic preservation plan.


The attack began around midnight

At least 51 people were killed—

These were the conservative estimates of the impact.

Even though this isolate did not cause an outbreak, 

it is important to study those that do not cause disease 

As well as those that do.


Basically, we saved our graveyard.

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